3/6/08 = happy blated birthday to my friend who just turned 15 last 2 days ago. so happy birthday. sorry yea if i greet you 2 days late. =)*peace.
4/6/08 = happy blated birthday syah.
6/6/08 = happy advance birthday lan! kau th cousin ku yang nda prnah nda ingat bday ku. syabas!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
banged by yatsolala at 9:07:00 AM 1 responses
Labels: birthday
Monday, June 2, 2008

sis's new cam
his pose of the day
banged by yatsolala at 1:41:00 AM 0 responses
Labels: canon 450D
Saturday, May 3, 2008
kurapak wonnn!! woooooo.
what did i tell you bangla bangers?huh. haha. woo~ you guys owe me five bucks niggas.
banged by yatsolala at 7:52:00 AM 0 responses
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
busy busy busy
so today was busy. no no.. i mean this month is busy for me mann!! shitts. so ill update this blog like once in a week. =)
banged by yatsolala at 9:03:00 AM 0 responses
Saturday, March 22, 2008
happy birthday yatss!!

more pic to come tonight!! =)
banged by yatsolala at 9:08:00 AM 0 responses
im so bored!
ahh.. found this pic hiding in this pc!! grr.. ive searched for it like a couple of times pun nada.
banged by yatsolala at 5:32:00 AM 0 responses